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Explain the idea of ​​working for the global Malaysian company DXN

Explain the idea of ​​working for the global Malaysian company DXN
Dxn job

I offer all loved ones a simple explanation of how to subscribe to the upscale healthy world of DXN.
I ask you to focus and deep understanding, as we first constitute one pulse and one hand in our prestigious company Dexin, which calls for health in the first place and to change people's lives for a sophisticated, healthy and rich style secondly. 
Before I start explaining, I remind you of Dexin’s message:

“DXN believes in the entrepreneurial system and DXN aims to improve the health of people all over the world. As it strives to achieve its goal of providing health to people, DXN is looking to earn legitimate fortune for all of its subscribers. DXN members eventually get good health and the independence of the material, and so they get the life of the finest and best, and with the passage of days, feeling increasingly DXN members satisfied with their personal achievements. "

A video showing you the dxn website, the nature of its work, and dxn products in general:


(NoteTo get a discount of up to 25% on the value of dxn products, you can take advantage of the international membership number This

And that is only by writing it in the list of (DXN) products ordering or submitting it to the company employee directly and obtaining DXN products at the reduced price.


How to subscribe to DXN International :

1- Membership is free:

It is either by registering a membership via the Internet or from the branch of the company near you And the two are the same.

2- After completing the company's membership form, and before submitting the membership form to the company’s office, you will need to write the membership number of the person who introduced you to the company and its products. This is a religious and moral duty imposed by the company to guarantee members ’rights.

3- After submitting the membership form to the company’s office, the office will issue your temporary membership card until you receive the official membership card from the company in Malaysia.

4- To activate the membership, you must purchase products equivalent to 100 points or more of the company’s products of your personal choice such as daily consumed products (soap, toothpaste, shampoo, body foam, coffee, tea, cocoa, jam, vinegar, juices, etc.) and nutritional supplements according to Your need.
All the Dxn products we need, but at the beginning we gradually begin to use the product that we feel comfortable with and acclimate to, and then we use another product and so on until we know all the products and their benefits and use them all constantly.

5 - You get membership , that is, when you subscribe and become a member and you have a membership number, this enables you to buy any product you choose and get it at a reduced price. This will give you an opportunity to obtain a monthly income from the products that you buy yourself for 100 points or more (with the intention of consuming or selling them) or from the purchases of people whom you gave your membership number to buy the products in order to try and benefit from their benefits or who joined with you and participated in the membership and bought the products for themselves .

6- Your membership in DXN is a lifelong membership, valid for use in all countries where the company’s offices are located and in more than 150 countries in the world.
DXN concept
Integrated process, one market, one way of thinking.
Integrated process: an integrated process from agriculture to marketing that is carried out by the company alone.
Single Market: Distributors enjoy incentives all over the world with one membership card.
One way of thinking: the company and the distributors to achieve a shared global vision.

The concept of monthly consumption:

Your membership in DXN International allows you to buy what you need from the company's products (at a reduced price for members) at any time of the year, and there is no minimum or higher value for the products that you can buy if it comes only to you as a consumer of the products (for example, if you have You have subscribed to the company to obtain DXN products to prevent and maintain your health or help get rid of your health problem).
If you have subscribed for the purpose of obtaining financial income, you are required to buy a monthly equivalent of 100 points (that is, from 80 to 90 dollars depending on the materials you buy).

How can I get DXN monthly income?

1- Instant discount ranging from 15% to 25% for any product you buy from the company. You can review the price list.

2 - A monthly commission for all your personal purchases ranges from 6% to 37%, depending on the level you reached in the company and you will not get this commission or other commissions that we will mention in the following points unless your personal purchases in that month reach 100 points.

3- A monthly commission for all your group's purchases (i.e. the members that you introduced to the company directly or indirectly, and calculates the amount of commission that you will receive in one month by each member’s purchases multiplied by the difference in the percentage of commission you get and that member gets. This commission may You are the biggest tributary of the monthly income, as your group members may reach tens of thousands and you will get a certain percentage of each of these purchases.

4- The development bonus is 15%, and it is granted only to those who have reached the rank of a qualified star customer and in their groups are stars, who will receive development bonuses for them. This bonus reaches 15% of the value of the purchases of your group.
The rank of a qualified star customer, i.e. reached 4,500 points and is eligible for 25% as follows:

1) When purchasing products with 300 personal points.

2) Or buy products for 100 personal points.
And 200 points of purchase from his personal group that has not yet reached stardom.

3) Or buy it for 100 points and register a member or two for 200 points.
The important thing is to qualify for 25%, a total of 300 points must be from you personally or from you and from the members together.

5- 2% of the company's profits are distributed monthly to those who have the rank of diamond star or higher.

6- Mobile phone allowance of AED 850 or the equivalent according to the currency of the country in which you are granted. It is granted to you once when you reach the rank of the star ruby ​​and each star customer you have has completed the equivalent or more than 6000 points.

7 - Travel premium of AED 5,800 or its equivalent, depending on the currency of the country in which you are granted, is granted to you once if five of your group members reach the rank of ruby ​​star.

8- Driving bonus and start receiving it when you reach the rank of qualified diamond star. This bonus ranges from 5% to 15% monthly of monthly purchases for each member of your group who have also reached the rank of Diamond Star.

You can directly enter the world of wealth, health and financial, by registering online and obtaining an international account with a special membership number

To organize free international membership via the Internet 👇:
Register a free membership with an international number at DXN


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